The Weight is Over

So this morning all I really have on my mind is my weight problem.  Last night I had a dream that I was on a cheerleading or gymnastics team- not sure which one it was because all we were doing were warm-ups and stretching.  In my dream I was noticeably less flexible than I once was… I remember feeling so embarrassed in my dream.  I finally figured out how to make myself more flexible in the dream but knew in order to be my best I needed to go ahead and lose some weight.  I woke up from my dream at 5am and haven’t been able to sleep since.  I woke up knowing it was time to do something about my problem.  In my dream the way I chose to fix my weight was through calorie counting and exercise and that is how I intend to do it this time around.  I am done with diets and things like that and have decided to just do the calorie thing.  So since 5am I have been putting together my meal plans which you all will see once I start eating this way.  I am starting as soon as we make our next grocery trip as we can’t afford to be wasteful.  Until then, and I am still not sure why I am doing this, I thought I should go ahead and motivate myself by posting pictures.  I am going to post my then and now.  Here goes nothing…(click to enlarge)

Size 5 in all of these


and now size 18…



I do not know how I let this happen.  I guess just my lack of activity or not watching what I ate.  I have been struggling with my weight now for almost 6 years…I’m tired.  And that is why I am over it and determined to kick my problem once and for all.  I plan to document my journey the entire way on this blog.  I refuse to go one more summer without wearing shorts.  It has been far too long. 

I think my key to success will be having a plan and sticking to it.  So often I find that I fail at losing weight because of lack of a solid plan.  This time I have one.  I will not fail. Period.  I have been spending all morning getting my plan together and I am nowhere near finished but I have a good start.  So I am off to finish that before the kidlets wake up and I will see all of you bright and early Monday morning 🙂

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