25 Questions: Holiday Edition

This has been floating around the blog world so I thought I would jump in too 🙂

1. Egg Nog or Hot Chocolate? Hot Chocolate…though Hot Apple Cider is my real deal.


2. Does Santa wrap presents or just sit them under the tree? He wraps them in special paper 🙂

3. Colored lights on tree/house or white? Right now our tree has white lights but I prefer colored lights always.  White is elegant but colorful lights are fun.

4. Do you hang mistletoe? No


5. When do you hang your decorations up? Usually the day after Thanksgiving

6. What is your favorite holiday dish (excluding dessert)? Deviled Eggs- my aunt Marlene makes them once a year and I look so forward to them.

7. Favorite Holiday memory as a child? I don’t have just one.  I think everything about Christmas every year was my favorite.

8. What is on your Christmas Wishlist? I would be happy with anything really.  My biggest one would be a Cannon Rebel camera but I won’t hold my breath.  I always enjoy books, beauty stuff, smell good things, and knick knacks.

9. Do you open a gifts on Christmas Eve? I used to get to open one on Christmas Eve growing up… I plan to continue the tradition.

10. How do you decorate your Christmas tree? With lights and ornaments.  I am currently working on building up my ornament stash… I like homemade ornaments and ones that mean something to me.

11. Snow? Love it or dread it? Dread it.  It is pretty as it’s falling but we have to drive about 3 hours on Christmas to my Aunt Marlene’s and snow hinders that.

12. Real tree or fake tree? I am indifferent.  I have an artificial one and I love it because it is pre-lit… my Aunt Marlene always has a real one and I love it because it smells good.

13. Do you remember your favorite gift? I always loved getting gift cards.  I am a bargain shopper and love to have them on hand to use throughout the year to get what I want.

14. What’s the most important thing about Christmas for you? Celebrating Christ’s birth and being with my family!

15. What is your favorite Holiday dessert? Fudge.  My granny makes it every year and it is to die for.

16. What is your favorite tradition? Don’t have one but I plan to remedy that now that I have kids.

17. What tops your tree? Currently an angel…I want a star

18. Which do you prefer: giving or receiving? I love both…but allow me to pull out my honesty card and say that I love getting presents.  I think it takes me back to my childhood.

19. What is your favorite Christmas Song? Merry Christmas, Happy Holidays- N’Sync…my favorite traditional song would be Mary Did You Know.


20. Candy canes, yuck or yum? Love the flavored ones…and I like mint flavor but generally not just plain candy canes.

21. Favorite Christmas Movie? Serendipity (set around Christmas)


22. What do you leave for Santa? Cookies and Milk

23. Do you have a Christmas morning tradition? No but I will be making one.

24. Do you prefer to shop on-line or at the mall? Both, depends on the gift.

25. Christmas letter or Christmas card? Christmas card

Your turn!!

Answer one or two of the questions from above! Or heck, do the whole survey if you want haha 🙂

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